Wedding Ticker

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Our hectic last few weeks!!

So the past few weeks have been pretty hectic for me! My cousin Brandy informed me that she wasn't sure if she was going to be around to do wedding-related things since her job required her to work out of the country a lot and didn't want to leave me disappointed if she wasn't able to come last minute so I had to find a replacement. It took me awhile but I finally got a replacement- my long time friend Amanda McNeil, with whom I was a bridesmaid in her wedding and also the matchmaker for her wonderful marriage to her beau, Adam. I'm so honored to have her on my team and to help me and be apart of this wonderful day for me! Lastly, we had a hard time finding bridesmaid dresses. We had a dress picked out but then I saw on it on a group of bridesmaids and to me, it honestly didn't look flattering. So I tried looking all around at other locations and had my girls picking dresses from a website and then tried to find these dresses at locations for the cheap but none of them were under $150. So I finally decided to go with one of the original dresses at David's bridal that we nicknamed the "cupcake" dress for my bridesmaids and then the last dress for my maid of honor, Noel. So now all we have to do is go to David's Bridal and get measured and fitted for a dress and then purchase the dress. We have to have them purchased by December so we have a date set for December 17 to meet there and get all that taken care of and hopefully will have one stress done and out of the way! 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I love Chicken Soup for the Soul Books!

I've been reading from my Chicken Soup for the Bride's Soul book here lately and I came across this story that I thought held a lot of meaning to marriage, even if I don't know the guy. The story is titled "Advice from the Groom's Dad" and it goes like this:

I have the most useless job in the world: father of the groom. Our Stephen is getting married this weekend and, as father of the groom, I'm expected to do absolutely nothing. Okay, I have to show up. But that's all. I have no duties. I don't have to hire a string quartet, arrange for flowers, select a modest but saucy little wine or walk down any aisle. I could nod off and no one would care. Or notice. Well, not for me the role of nonparticipant, I offer Stephen and his bride, Rhea, this advice on marriage:

  • Always eat a good breakfast. A good marriage requires lots of energy and you shouldn't start the day on an empty stomach. 
  • Always put the other person first. 
  • Never leave home without a kiss. It's nice. If you can work in a little pat, I'm all for that, too. 
  • Have fun. If you don't make each other laugh, there is something wrong. 
  • Accept early in marriage that there are some things you'll never agree on-- the proper room temperature, station wagons, Capri pants, the three stooges. Don't panic. This is normal.
  • Don't try to win every arguement. Compromise with dignity. And no gloating. 
  • Live within your means. Money management is a lot more important that you may think in a marital bliss. Don't be afraid to do without. Things won't keep you together. When you look back, it isn't things you remember. 
  • Surprises. You need lots of them. Just the other morning, I found a little poem left by my place at the table. That's why I think I have the finest life partner in the galaxy. 
  • Don't sulk, whine, or leave things in your pockets on washday. 
  • Don't save your best smiles for strangers, people at the office, clients. Get your priorities straight. 
  • Talk to each other. I'm a big believer in this. 
  • Have a nice, big, cozy bed where you can start and end each day with a cuddle. If you're too busy to cuddle, you are probably suffering from a bad case of self-importance---fatal in a marriage.
  • Don't take each other for granted even if you're celebrating your golden anniversary. 
  • Be faithful.
  • Don't figure romance is over once you're married. It's just started, if you play it right. 
  • Have dinners at night with everyone around the table discussing the day's events. Don't have the TV on. Don't read the newspaper. Don't complain. It's time to lighten up and relax. 
  • Serve whipped cream now and then. Whipped cream puts everybody in a good mood. 
  • A little lace never hurt a marriage. 
  • Have children. And when you have them, take care of them. Love them, enjoy them, spend time with them, say "no" to them, play with them, hug them. Children are probably the most important contribution you'll make to the world so don't treat them like a hobby or leave them to strangers to raise. 
  • Have a porch as soon as you can. And a couple of nice chairs. SIt out on summer evenings and watch sunsets. You don't always have to be on the go.
  • Be around when things go right, but also when they go wrong.
  • Listen, listen, listen. You'll be surprised what you learn. 
  • No double standards.
  • Early in the morning, when you're still just half-awake, reach over and touch your partner to reassure yourself that they are there, and that things are alright. 
  • Tenderness is legal.

-Gary Lautens